March 1
Following a traffic stop in Saint George, Deputy John Hansen summoned Christian Vitale, 36, of Nobleboro, for reading while driving.
Following a traffic stop in St. George, Hansen summoned Vincent Hilt, 21, of St. George, for operating after suspension.
Dep. Robert Potter responded to a report of criminal mischief on Vinalhaven. Potter summoned Sheldon Woodcock, 38, of Vinalhaven, for criminal mischief.
Following a traffic stop in Warren, Sergeant Patrick Polky summoned Katie Cole, 25, of Warren, for speed.
March 2
Following a traffic stop in Warren, Dep. Nathaniel Jack summoned Christopher Wellman, 42, of Union, for operating with expired registration.
March 3
Following a traffic stop on Vinalhaven, Potter summoned Darlen Harwood, 50, of Vinalhaven, for operating after suspension.
Following a traffic crash in Appleton, Dep. Justin Hills summoned Craig Doucette, 36, of Appleton, for failure to maintain control of vehicle, operating unregistered motor vehicle, and failure to produced evidence of insurance.
March 4
Following a warrant check in Rockland, Dep. Arthur Smith arrested Jaime Allen, 34, of Sedgwick, on one active arrest warrant.
Following a traffic stop in Rockland, Smith summoned Errol Littlefield, 47, of Rockland, for operating with expired inspection.
Dep. Scott Redmun responded to the report of a theft in Thomaston. Redmun summoned Roy Daugherty, 48, of Rockland, for theft.
Following a traffic stop in Washington, Sgt. Matthew Elwell summoned Jeffrey Waldrop, 32, of Franklin, for failing to obtain license in 30 days of residency and failure to display inspection.
Following a traffic stop in Union, Redmun summoned Sierra Marston, 18, of Appleton, for speed.
Following a warrant check in Rockland, Hills arrested Teara Rytky, 23, of Rockland, on one active arrest warrant.
March 5
Following a traffic stop in Union, Dep. Paul Pinkham summoned Anthony Emery, 29, of Montville, for operating with expired inspection.
Following a warrant check in Owls Head, Smith arrested Stephen Balint, 23, of Rockland, on one active arrest warrant.
Following a traffic stop in Owls Head, Sgt. Lance Mitchell summoned Joseph Dinapoli, 27, of Cushing, for failure to stop at sign and failure to produce evidence of insurance.
Smith responded to the report of an assault in Rockland. Smith summoned Barry Reed, 35, of Friendship, for assault, disorderly conduct, and violation of conditional release.
Following a traffic stop in Warren, Elwell summoned Christopher Bonzagni, 32, of Rockland, for operating after suspension.
Redmun, Hills, and Elwell responded to the report of an intoxicated driver in Warren. Redmun arrested James Lemay, 64, of Washington, for operating under the influence.
March 6
Following a traffic crash in Warren, Pinkham summoned Joshua Adams, 22, of Sanford, for failure to yield when entering public way.
Following a warrant check in Owls Head, Hansen arrested Scotch Hanning, 36, of Winfield, PA, and Misty Hollenbach, 30, of Lewisburg, PA, for trafficking in schedule “W” drugs and one active arrest warrant each.
Smith responded to the report of a disturbance in Friendship. Smith summoned Carl Chipman, 22, of Thomaston, for disorderly conduct and unnecessary acceleration noise.
March 7
Potter responded to the report of a burglary on Vinalhaven, the incident is under investigation.
Following a traffic stop in So. Thomaston, Hansen summoned Carrie Groth, 35, of St. George, for failure to produce evidence of insurance.
Following a warrant check in Warren, Jack arrested Joseph Thurston, 28, of Warren, on two active arrest warrants.
Following a traffic stop in Friendship, Smith summoned Carl Hayes, 21, of Waldoboro, for unnecessary acceleration noise.
Redmun responded to the report of a traffic crash in Warren, the incident is under investigation.
Smith responded to the report of an assault in Rockland. Smith summoned Wyatt Chapdelaine, 20, of Rockland, for assault, disorderly conduct, and violation of conditional release.
March 8
Following a warrant check in Rockland, Detective Dwight Burtis arrested James Braugh, 42, of Camden, on one active arrest warrant.
March 9
Dep. Paul Spear responded to the report of trespassing on North Haven, the incident is under investigation.
Following a traffic stop in Thomaston, Hansen summoned Christy Nason, 39, of Warren, for operating with an expired license.
Following a traffic stop in So. Thomaston, Polky summoned Travis Robinson, 33, of Cushing, for speed, failure to produce evidence of insurance, and failure to display inspection.
Following a warrant check in Warren, Dep. Jeremy Joslyn arrested Ricky Miller, 34, of Warren, on one active arrest warrant.
Hills, Pinkham, and Polky responded to the report of criminal mischief in Warren. Hills arrested Paul Thurlow, 27, of Durham, on one active warrant. Pinkham arrested Dustin Robinson, 28, of Warren, on one active arrest warrant.
Following a warrant check in Rockland, Joslyn arrested Troy Crane, 52, of St. George, on one active arrest warrant.
Hills and Pinkham responded to the report of a 911 hang-up in Cushing. Hills arrested Neala Maloney, 42, of Cushing, for operating under the influence.
March 10
Following a traffic stop in Thomaston, Jack summoned Brandon Badershell, 21, of Augusta, for operating in violation of license restriction.
Following a traffic stop in Warren, Pinkham summoned Branden Lucarelli, 37, of Waldoboro, for operating with expired inspection.
Following a traffic stop in Friendship, Jack summoned Janelle Burns, 25, of Friendship, for speed.
Following a traffic stop in Warren, Joslyn summoned Jennifer Johnson, 49, of Kingfield, for failure to produce evidence of insurance.
March 11
Following a warrant check in Rockland, Redmun arrested Ernest Dustin, 52, of Warren, on one active warrant.
Hills responded to the report of a theft in Warren, the incident is under investigation.
Following a warrant check in Cushing, Redmun arrested Michelle Young, 26, of Cushing, on one active warrant.
Following a traffic stop in Cushing, Hills summoned Brandon Demmons, 21, of Rockland, for operating with expired inspection and failure to produce evidence of insurance.
Hills, Joslyn, and Elwell responded to the report of a traffic crash in Owls Head. Hills summoned William McMahan, 34, of Owls Head, for operating with expired registration.
March 12
Following a traffic stop in Warren, Smith summoned Joseph Gower 60, of Waldoboro, for operating after suspension and operating with expired inspection.
Pinkham responded to the report of a theft in Warren. Pinkham summoned Seth Neal, 35, of Friendship, for theft.
Following a traffic stop in Warren, Smith summoned Darrin Weaver, 50, of Windsor, for failure to display inspection.
Smith responded to the report of criminal mischief in Warren, the incident is under investigation.
Following a bail check in Warren, Smith summoned Scott Landry, 37, of Warren, for possession of drug paraphernalia.
March 13
Following a traffic stop in Hope, Smith summoned Daniel Jones, 27, of Waterville, for speed.
March 14
Following a traffic crash in Union, Jack summoned Michael Noyes, 70, of Union, for operating after suspension and failure to produce evidence of insurance.
Following a traffic stop in St. George, Polky summoned Jessica Krise, 40, of Waldoboro, for speed.
Following a traffic enforcement detail in Union, Hills summoned Martha Jackson, 54, of Union, and Audreee Van Duysen, 54, of Appleton, for failure to produce evidence of insurance.
Following a traffic stop in St. George, Polky summoned Benjamin Palladino, 23, of Tully, NY, for speed.
Following a traffic enforcement detail in Owls Head, Smith summoned McCabe Burch, 20, of Owls Head, for failure to produce window tint certificate.
March 15
Burtis responded to the report of harassment, the incident is under investigation.
Following a warrant check in Rockland, Polky arrested Eliza Rainville, 22, of Rockport, on one active warrant.
Following a traffic crash in Union, Polky arrested Fern Gordon, 57, of Rockport, for operating under the influence.